
September 28, 2008

Rebuttal to NCI’s Cellphone “Information”

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 8:36 pm

The following is a precis of the NCI’s Cellphone “information” posted on their website.

Lloyd Morgan

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer: What We Know (and Don’t Know)

A Précis of Dr. Peter Inskip’s Testimony

The beginning emphasis is that there is no risk of brain tumors within the first 10 years of cellphone use.  This amounts to whistling in the dark.  The question to ask is: Would a risk of lung cancer be found in the first 10 years of smoking?

His testimony then shifts to: There is no known biological mechanism.  This is a specious, anti-scientific argument.  It assumes that science already knows every mechanism.  Science is about data (the result of experiments testing how the universe actually behaves).  When the known mechanism of the universe was Newtonian physics, the data showing the precession of the orbit of the planet mercury could not be explained.  The data was not ignored because there was no known mechanism.  The data was considered the scientific reality.  Later, Einstein provided the mechanism.  The sequence of almost all of science is, first there is the data (almost always without an understanding of a mechanism); afterwards there is a mechanism.

He then remarks, “Since then most studies have not found a link between cell phones and cancer.”  Since then there are only two studies (multiple publications, but only two studies), the Hardell studies and the Interphone studies.  The Hardell studies are never mentioned.

The Hardell team found that use of a cellphone or cordless phone significantly increases the risk of brain tumors.  Their findings also have an internal consistency.  That is, their findings are internally consistent if cellphone use is a risk of brain tumors.

·        The higher the cumulative hours of use, the higher the risk;

·        The higher the radiated power, the higher the risk;

·        The higher the number of years since first use, the higher the risk;

·        The higher the exposure (tumor on the same side of the head where the cellphone or cordless phone was held), the higher the risk, and;

·        The younger the user, the higher the risk.

Next he shifts to the argument that no increased incidence has been seen.  The reality is that no increased incidence because the latency time for brain tumors similar to lung and other cancer is several decades.  It is too early to see an increased incidence.[1]

Finally, he turns to future studies.  He remarks, that the “combined analysis of the Interphone study “is not yet complete.”  The analysis was completed by late 2004.  Elizabeth Cardis said it would be published in 2005.[2] He never mentions that the Interphone, like the Hardell studies, always finds a significant increased risk of brain tumor when a cellphone is used for 10 or more years on the same side of the head where the tumor was found.

Lastly, he comments on future studies. By the time these studies are published it will be too late.

[1] The first cellphones, used by a tiny percentage of the United States population, was in 1984.  Thirty years afterwards, a reasonable latency time, is 2014.

[2] I have a copy of her statement if needed.

July 27, 2008

Electromagnetic noise inhibits radiofrequency radiation-induced DNA damage

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 10:22 pm

Study: Electromagnetic noise inhibits radiofrequency radiation-induced DNA damage and reactive oxygen species increase in human lens epithelial cells

From the abstract: The goal of this study was to investigate whether superposing of electromagnetic noise could block or attenuate DNA damage and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase of cultured human lens epithelial cells (HLECs) induced by acute exposure to 1.8 GHz radiofrequency field (RF) of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). From the results the authors conclude that DNA damage induced by 1.8 GHz radiofrequency field for 2 h, which was mainly single strand breaks, may be associated with the increased ROS production. Electromagnetic noise could block RF-induced ROS formation and DNA damage.
Bibliography: Yao et al., Mol Vis. 2008 May 19;14:964-9, Abstract

July 23, 2008

Cancer chief sees cell phone risks

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 3:40 pm

Cancer chief sees cell phone risks

The director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and UPMC Cancer Centers plans to issue an advisory to about 3,000 faculty and staff today about the possible health risks associated … (Today)

Read the memo from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman that warns about cell phone use, particularly among pregnant women, children and teens.
Read the analysis of studies about the effects of electromagnetic fields from cell phones.

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Pitt’s Cancer Institute to warn about cell phone health risks

June 29, 2008

Wi-Fi-Studie aus Belgien

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 4:24 pm

Beunruhigende Fragen über die Auswirkungen elektromagnetischer Strahlen von Mobiltelefonen und WiFi-Funknetzwerken

Eine Studie aus Belgien wirft laut einem Zeitungsbericht beunruhigende Fragen über die Auswirkungen elektromagnetischer Strahlen auf, wie sie von Mobiltelefonen und WiFi-Funknetzwerken verbreitet werden. Ratten, die über längere Zeit solcher Strahlung ausgesetzt waren, hätten in einer Testreihe eine doppelt so hohe Sterblichkeitsrate aufgewiesen, berichtete die belgische Zeitung “Le Soir” (Dienstagsausgabe). In den an der Katholischen Universität Löwen (KUL) gemachten Tests seien bei den Ratten auch Veränderungen in den Blutkörpern gefunden worden, die für das Immunsystem verantwortlich sind. Ratten unter dem Einfluss der Strahlen wiesen zudem Verluste der Erinnerungsfähigkeit auf.,, Artikel in “Le Soir”, 24.06.08

Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 26.06.2008

Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber an.

June 24, 2008

Die Venedig Resolution

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 8:32 pm

Die Venedig Resolution

Wissenschafter rufen dringend nach größerer Vorsorge, um die Gesundheit vor den allgegenwärtigen Schäden durch EMF-Exposition zu schützen, bis biologisch begründete Richtlinien in Kraft sind. Die International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, eine…

June 18, 2008

EMR Induces Mold and Yeast Growth: The Evidence

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 5:02 pm

Nonthermal effects of millimeter microwaves on yeast growth.


Weak microwave irradiation of aqueous yeast cultures was found to *affect
their growth rate in a frequency-selective manner*. Depending on frequency
(near 42 GHz), both *increases and decreases of the growth rate were
observed*. The resonance bandwidths are of the order of 0.01 GHz.
Simple *thermal effects can be excluded*. These findings support theoretical predictions of coherent *molecular oscillations activating metabolic processes*.

*J Microw Power. 1979 Dec;14(4):307-12.Links*
Determination of a thermal equivalent of millimeter microwaves in living
cells. *Dardalhon

Recent microwave experiments have shown *frequency dependent influences on the growth rate of bacteria*. To determine whether microwaves are able to
affect growth (or to induce lesions in cellular DNA of yeast cells),
experiments were performed with millimeter microwaves at frequencies between 70 and 75 GHz. Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells were irradiated on millipore filter discs placed on agar plates in open petri dishes. A diploid strain of yeast (D5, Zimmerman), that is sensitive to genetic insult was used to study
the effects of temperature and of microwave irradiation on cell survival,
induction of mitotic recombination, and induction of cytoplasmic “petite”
mutations. No evidence of altered survival, impaired function, or structural
injury was seen at either frequency, even at power densities as high as 60
mW/cm2. Conventional heating had no deleterious effects until temperatures
of specimens exceeded 50 degrees C. In addition, two haploid strains of
yeast of opposite mating type were compared with respect to temperature and
microwave treatment for formation of zygotes. The elevation of temperature
due to the microwave treatment at 60 mW/cm2 and 2 mm distance was estimated to correspond to 3 degrees C.

J Microw Power. 1980 Jun;15(2):75-80.
*Response of Aspergillus nidulans and Physarum polycephalum to microwave

The influence of microwaves on genetic processes in Aspergillus nidulans and
Physarum polycephalum was investigated. Suspensions of organisms were
exposed in the far zone to 2450-MHz waves at 10 mW/cm2 for one hour in both CW and pulsed (1 microsecond, 600 pps) fields. Spores of A. nidulans were irradiated before and during germination. No changes in survival rate or in frequency of morphological mutation were found. *Polycephalum under the
influence of CW microwaves incorporated 3H-Thymine into DNA at a rate five
times that of controls and twice that of thermal controls*. The accelerated
synthesis may reflect more efficient volume heating by microwaves, or in the
presence of microthermal gradients in suspensions, or field-specific
influences in concern with focal or volume heating.

*Z Naturforsch [C]. 1989 Sep-Oct;44(9-10):863-6.Links*
Resonant microwave effect on locally fixed yeast microcolonies. *Grundler W

Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

The microwave influence on the growth of yeast cells is studied in a novel
experimental set-up designed to observe individual cells growing for several
division cycles. The results are in accordance with *resonant
microwave-induced growth stimulation as observed in our earlier set-up *where the turbidity of a stirred suspension of cells was used as the measure of growth. The new experimental set-up is suited to decide on the proposed
triplet mechanism of resonant microwave biological effects.

*Bioelectrochem Bioenerg. 1999 Feb;48(1):177-80.Links*
The effects of radiofrequency fields on cell proliferation are non-thermal.

Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,

The number of reports on the effects induced by radiofrequency (RF)
electromagnetic fields and microwave (MW) radiation in various cellular
systems is still increasing. Until now no satisfactory mechanism has been
proposed to explain the biological effects of these fields. One of the
current theories is that heat generation by RF/MW is the cause, in spite of
the fact that a great number of studies under isothermal conditions have
reported significant cellular changes after exposure to RF/MW. Therefore,
this study was undertaken to investigate which effect MW radiation from
these fields in combination with a significant change of temperature could
have on *cell proliferation*. The experiments were performed on the same
cell line, and with the same exposure system as in a previous work [S. Kwee,
P. Raskmark, Changes in cell proliferation due to environmental non-ionizing
radiation: 2. Microwave radiation, Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg., 44 (1998), pp.
251-255]. The field was generated by* signal simulation of the Global System
for Mobile communications (GSM) of 960 MHz*. Cell cultures, growing in
microtiter plates, were exposed in a specially constructed chamber, a
Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) cell. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
value for each cell well was calculated for this exposure system. However,
in this study the cells were exposed to the field at a higher or lower
temperature than the temperature in the field-free incubator i.e., the
temperature in the TEM cell was either 39 or 35 +/- 0.1 degrees C. The
corresponding sham experiments were performed under exactly the same
experimental conditions. *The results showed that there was a significant
change in cell proliferation in the exposed cells in comparison to the
non-exposed (control) cells at both temperatures. On the other hand, no
significant change in proliferation rate was found in the sham-exposed cells
at both temperatures*. This shows that *biological effects due to RF/MW
cannot be attributed only to a change of temperature*. Since the RF/MW
induced changes were of the same order of magnitude at both temperatures and also comparable to our previous results under isothermal conditions at 37
degrees C, cellular stress caused by electromagnetic fields could initiate
the changes in cell cycle reaction rates. *It is widely accepted that
certain classes of heat-shock proteins are involved in these stress
*Phys Med Biol. 2002 Nov 7;47(21):3831-9.[image: Click here to
Preliminary results on the non-thermal effects of 200-350 GHz radiation on
the growth rate of S. cerevisiae cells in microcolonies. *Hadjiloucas

Department of Cybernetics, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, RG6 6AY,
Berkshire, UK.

We report preliminary results from studies of *biological effects induced by
non-thermal levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation*. Exponentially
growing Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells grown on dry media were exposed to electromagnetic fields in the 200-350 GHz frequency range at low power density to observe possible non-thermal effects on the microcolony growth.

*Z Naturforsch [C]. 1978 Jan-Feb;33(1-2):15-22.Links*

Exposure to the electromagnetic field was conducted over 2.5 h. The data
from exposure and control experiments were grouped into either large-,
medium- or small-sized microcolonies to assist in the accurate assessment of
growth. *The three groups showed significant differences in growth between
exposed and control microcolonies*. *A statistically significant enhanced
growth rate was observed at 341 GHz*. Growth rate was assessed every 30 min via time-lapse photography. Possible interaction mechanisms are discussed, taking into account Frohlich’s hypothesis.

*Mikrobiol Z. 2004 May-Jun;66(3):51-7.Links*
[Effect of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation on physiological
features of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain UCM Y-517] [Article in Russian]


Effect of electromagnetic radiation (40.68 MHz) on growth characteristics of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain UCM Y-517 has been studied. *Reliable
increase of the specific growth rate (by 7-15%) and change of duration of
growth phases as a result of irradiation of yeast population has been shown*.
The EMR effect has been found to depend on physiological state of the
irradiated cells and composition of the irradiation performance medium:
reliable effects were found only for the cells preliminarily grown on the
dense nutrition medium in the late phase of delayed growth or on achieving
the stationary growth phase. The role of radiation term and power as well as
of temperature factor in EMR effect on the cells is discussed. *It has been
noted that the dependence of specific growth rate of yeast on the initial
density of cells population acquire the nonlinear character as affected by
EMR of radiofrequency range*.

Art Kab

“A ‘Good Student’ answers questions – but does not question answers.”

CELL PHONES AND CHILDREN: Review of Israeli bill/warnings and Weizman ERK study

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 4:29 am
SUBJECT:    CELL PHONES AND CHILDREN  –   Review of Israeli bill/warnings and Weizman ERK study (2008); also study re electric field effects on receptors and signaling….(UK) 2002….
Dear Iris:   Thank you very much for the information re Israeli bill (warnings) and ERK study re children and cell phone usage!
The following is an important study that may provide additional insight and explanations regarding cell receptors and cell signaling re cell phone usage.   The study also provides important clues that may explain why my guinea pig (Z-1, Kelley) so quickly developed osteomyelitis after exposure to our electric meter and also why her wound healed so quickly once she was removed from the electric meter’s electric field.
It is encouraging that facts re cell phone use are correlating with studies re other close electric field exposures.   “Encouraging,” but “frightening and scandalous” that parents are not being warned about the vital need to provide distance between appliances and telephone equipment in bedrooms.    Even the American Cancer Society provided warnings re electric clocks, electric blankets and more as far back as 1993 (File 2 RAD IRIS 2 —  “USA Today” article warning re bedroom electric field exposures).
Parents and grandparents need to know they also should not be sleeping close to cell phones, electric meters, appliances and other telephone equipment    Note the connection between ERK and tau protein and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimers’ in definition following the study copied below.     As we know, Alzheimers and autism-spectrum disorders are “exploding!”     Since autism is typically diagnosed around the age of two years, concerns re close exposures to cell phones, in general and, in particular, close to an expectant mother’s body or a cell phone on nightstand or under pillow (or other electric or telephone equipment) where a new mom might place an infant, are highly significant!
It would be an important step to include evaluation of such “nightly exposures” in studies re cell phone usage.   In the meantime, I am grateful for this extremely important action and information out of Israel!   The story is unfolding …….     Take care  –  Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs “R” Us
731 – 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55448-2127 USA
Phone:   763-755-6114
Email: (6-17-08)


ARE YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN GUINEA PIGS?    Letter 7-22-04 by Joanne Mueller

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed:  then it is violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident.    – Schopenhauer
*                                *                           *

Full-length version of this article is also available, published online April 10, 2002 as doi:10.1096/fj.01-0811fje.

Published as doi: 10.1096/fj.01-0811fje.

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(The FASEB Journal. 2002;16:857-859.)
© 2002 FASEB

Membrane lipids, EGF receptors, and intracellular signals colocalize and are polarized in epithelial cells moving directionally in a physiological electric field1

MIN ZHAO2, JIN PU, JOHN V. FORRESTER* and COLIN D. MCCAIG2 Departments of Biomedical Sciences and
* Ophthalmology, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, Scotland, UK

2Correspondence: Department of Biomedical Sciences, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, Scotland, UK. E-mail: or


Endogenous electric fields (EFs) are common where cell movement occurs, and cells respond to EFs by migrating directionally. We set out to determine whether a physiological EF induces spatially regulated formation, migration, and activation of membrane lipid domains, associated receptors, second messenger signaling molecules, and the actin cytoskeleton in epithelial cells, which could underpin directional cell migration.


1. Asymmetric distribution of membrane lipid, EGF receptors, and signaling molecules in a physiological electric field
Corneal epithelial cells (CECs) from fresh bovine eyes cultured in medium with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) migrated toward the cathode. In serum-free medium, directional migration was lost. Addition of transforming growth factor {alpha} (TGF{alpha}), which activates EGF receptors (EGFRs), causing downstream activation of MAP kinase, restored and significantly enhanced migration directedness and migration rate in a dose-dependent manner. Asymmetric distribution of EGF receptors in live and fixed epithelial cells labeled with specific antibodies was evident (Fig. 1 A–C), and this occurred as early as 10 min after the onset of EF application (Fig. 1B ). Further quantification of the asymmetry showed membrane and juxtamembrane asymmetry of EGFRs in cells cultured in EFs. In most polarized cells, asymmetry of intracellular EGFR staining was also evident………..snip

[ File note:  This study is very long but VIP and includes charts……search result re “ERK” (externally regulated kinases  —  extracellular signal-regulated kinase)… review re Israeli bill(2008)/ Weizman Institute study cellphones and children re ERK ……and also Uckun re BTK (Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase)  —   esp osteomyelitis/guinea pig Z-1 and low IgG subclasses 1 and 3 — Boy A and Boy B……..jcm….6-17-08 ..]

PK40(erk) protein kinase

<enzyme> A member of the erk family of serine/threonine-proline kinases; hyperphosphorylates tau protein in neurofibrillary tangles of alzheimer’s disease subsequent to phosphorylation by campdependent protein kinase a; has been sequenced

Registry number: EC 2.7.1.-

Synonym: pk40(erk2), erk2 brain kinase pk40

(26 Jun 1999)

*                                 *                                *

In a message dated 6/17/2008 7:00:39 A.M. Central Daylight Time, atzmonh writes:

A new bill is presented in Israel to limit the sell and use of cell phones by kids.

The bill was filed by MPs Dov Hanin Michael Malchior with nine more MPs. According to the new bill, any advertising of mobile phone will include a warning, that will catch 5% of the advertisement page. Children will not be shown in the advertisement and it will not be directed to children.  Chidren will not be able legally to buy themselves a cell phone (only with an adult).  It will not be legal to sell phones without a warning. The warning will say, on a patch of at least the size of 5 cm, “Warning: the health ministry warns that a lot of usage and  carrying the device close to the body can increase the risk of cancer, especially among children.”   Warnings on the damage will be at the sale centers of cell phones, services centers and on the companies’ websites.  Backgroud: the Knesset (parliament) meeting on the 8 October 2007,  in which prof Roni Seger presented Weizmann institute study results, about the reaction of protein  ERK to the mobile radiation.  While it is not clear whether there is a clear link to cancer, the results do raise concern especially in view of the  use of  children. So it is suggested to increase public awareness to the health damage. The basis of the bill is to limit advertising and sale of cell phones, especially the sale to children who are especially volnurable to the devestating effects of the mobile radiation. The health minister will determine the damage  and it will be criminal not to fill the directions of the bill,  similar to the directions in the law of tobacco advertisement.

(all the above is translated and summerized from the bill itself).

In other countries:


Mechanism of a short-term ERK activation by electromagnetic fields at mobile phone frequency

June 12, 2008

Mains wiring transients linked to cancer rates

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 8:52 am

Two researchers from the United States, Sam Milham and Lloyd Morgan (who is also a columnist on our site), have found a strong and novel association between a new exposure metric, high frequency voltage transients (on mains wiring), and an increase in cancer incidence.

Click here for the full news story

June 10, 2008

Chronic UMTS exposure promotes tumours in mice

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 4:32 pm

The preliminary results of a new pilot study, conducted at ITEM, Hannover, and presented at the 17th FGF Workshop in Berlin last week, showed distinct tumor-promoting effects of chronic UMTS exposure beginning at the fetal stage in the offspring of ENU-treated mice.

Click here for the full news story

June 7, 2008

Methodological Aspects of Epidemiological Studies on the Use of Mobile Phones and their Association with Brain Tumors

Filed under: Science and Mobile Radio - Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk — omeganews @ 8:34 pm

From the abstract: The authors (Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, Kjell Hansson Mild) compare study design and epidemiological methods used in their studies and the Interphone studies. They conclude that while their results appear sound and reliable, several of the Interphone findings display differential misclassification of exposure due to observational and recall bias, for example, following low participation rates in both cases and controls and bed-side computer guided interviews of cases rather than blinded interviews of cases and controls. However, as they have presented elsewhere, there seems to be a consistent pattern of an association between mobile phone use and ipsilateral glioma and acoustic neuroma using ≥ 10 years latency period. Bibliography: Hardell et al., The Open Environmental Journal, 2008, 2, 54-61, open access at:

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